Choices & Master your Emotions from a Being Level.
Raquel Richardson

Hello, my name is Raquel Richardson. I am a professional Counselor and Therapist, looking forward to making you have a better life starting today. Once realizing I had been healing people around me for over two decades, I decided to get my certifications in this field. Having the desire and heart to help heal one individual at a time. I have certifications in Relationship Counseling, Stress Anxiety Management, CBT Cognitive Life Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Advance Level of Psychology. Also specializing in depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and ADHD, etc.
I praise all initial clients in seeking counseling and therapy, it is a step. I am not here to judge just a listening ear and to help you be a better you. I facilitate building self-esteem, confidence, and of course self-love. Life has changed dramatically since we have been in this pandemic. This life situation has affected us all in some type of way. I love listening and speaking to people helping others or just being supportive. We all have flaws in life, nobody is perfect. I am not here to judge anyone, just to give a little hope and to let you know that you're not alone. All ages are welcomed. We all can use someone to help us along the way. I'm here for you always with an open mind and heart.
Do not be afraid to let loose, relax, relate and release. We are in this together. I’m here to save the day! It takes a village!!! Remember tomorrow is not a promise. Let's start living today!
Remember tomorrow is not always promised but there's no guarantee that you'll be here to see it so be thankful for every breath you take and keep God FIRST!!
I look forward to serving your healing needs!